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What are Temporary Disability Benefits?

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Workers’ Compensation Law Blog

NJ Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

What are Temporary Disability Benefits?

In 2023, there were 2.6 million nonfatal workplace injuries in the United States, demonstrating how common job-related injuries can be. If you are an injured worker, you may be eligible to receive temporary disability benefits until you are able to return to your regular job duties.

If a worker is unable to return to work for a period of more than seven days following an injury, then they may be eligible to receive temporary total disability (TTD) benefits. Once your claim is approved, you can retroactively receive benefits for the first seven days that you were unable to work.

Our Cherry Hill workers’ compensation lawyers provide a brief overview below of temporary disability benefits, but you should never underestimate the importance of hiring competent counsel to review your claim.

Wage Replacement Under TTD

When an employee is injured or suffers an illness in the course of his or her employment, workers’ compensation benefits should apply. Under New Jersey law, the temporary disability rate is 70% of an employee’s average weekly wage (AWW). The statutory maximum rate adjusts annually in relation to inflation.

Temporary benefits will terminate once a healthcare provider determines that an employee can return to work or has reached maximum medical improvement (MMI). Maximum medical improvement is the point at which an individual will no longer make any significant medical improvement. MMI must be determined by your treating physician.

In some cases, TTD benefits might be canceled too soon, as you might not truly be able to return to work. If this happens to you, consult a workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as possible. You should also speak with a lawyer if you believe the insurance company calculated your weekly wage improperly, resulting in lower benefits than you deserve.

Medical Benefits

Under The New Jersey Workers Compensation Act, you are able to receive benefits for any “necessary and reasonable” medical treatments. To be eligible, it is important that you select an in-network physician for your regular and ongoing medical care.

Common workers’ compensation injuries may include:

No matter the injury you sustained, you deserve your medical expenses to be covered in full in addition to TTD benefits when warranted. At The Law Offices of Matarazzo & Lubcher, P.C., our Cherry Hill workers’ compensation lawyers understand that you rely on employer-provided insurance as a safety net in the event that you are severely hurt.

Injured on the Job? Speak with Our Cherry Hill Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

If you have suffered an injury in the scope of your employment, do not hesitate to contact our Cherry Hill workers’ compensation lawyers. At The Law Offices of Matarazzo & Lubcher, P.C., our team of trusted attorneys is devoted to helping our clients get the entirety of benefits owed to them. With hundreds of successful workers’ compensation claims, our results speak for themselves. To arrange your free consultation or to learn more, contact us online or by phone today.