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Cherry Hill Lifting Injury Attorney

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(856) 843-8403

Cherry Hill Lifting Injury Attorney

NJ Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

Lifting accidents are a leading cause of workers’ compensation claims. Whether a lifting injury happens all at once or over time, it can be debilitating, and the majority of workers who suffer a lifting injury have to miss time from work.

Lost wages can make it difficult for these workers to pay medical bills. If a worker chooses to forgo certain treatments, there is a risk that the individual will never make a complete recovery.

An employee who suffers a lifting injury in Cherry Hill or the surrounding area should speak with a lifting accident lawyer immediately.

Types of Lifting Injuries

Warehouse workers and those who are required to routinely lift shipments are more inclined to suffer a lifting injury.

A lifting injury may include:

Spinal Cord Injury

A spinal cord injury affects the bundle of nerves that send and receive messages from the brain. Heavy lifting accompanied by sudden movements that twist the spine can cause damage to the spinal cord. Damage to these nerves can result in loss of sensation or movement below the injury site, extreme pain, numbness, and loss of bladder or bowel control.

Muscle Strain

Lifting puts a lot of strain on an individual’s body. Excessive force placed on a muscle or tendon can result in muscle strain. A severe injury can result in the tearing of muscle fibers. These tears or “pulled” muscles are most common in the lower back and hamstrings. Symptoms may include tenderness, limited motion, muscle spasms, swelling, and weakness.

Shoulder Injury

Many people who suffer a shoulder injury experience pain in their rotator cuff. The rotator cuff consists of muscles and tendons that hold your shoulder in place. The rotator cuff allows a person to lift your arms and to reach upward. Repetitive motion, especially taking heavy boxes down from a high shelf, can result in a rotator cuff injury.

Symptoms may include a cracking or grating sound when moving the arm, inability to sleep on one’s side, and recurring pain. Some people may be unable to move their arms at all.


Another major risk when lifting heavy objects is developing a hernia. A hernia is a hole that develops in your abdominal wall that causes a visible bulge. While the abdominal wall weakness is usually congenital, any type of activity that raises pressure in the abdomen can cause a hernia to develop.

Symptoms of a hernia often include a bulge in the affected area, a burning or aching sensation that worsens with certain activity, and pain or discomfort.

Compression Fractures

Usually caused by trauma to the spine, a compression fracture can be caused by lifting a heavy item. A compression fracture can occur anytime there is stress placed on the vertebra, causing it to collapse. A person who is prone to osteoporosis or has weakened bones is more likely to develop a compression fracture. Symptoms may include sudden back pain, limited mobility, and a hunched posture.

Consult with Our Cherry Hill Lifting Injury Attorneys

A lifting injury is often unexpected and can put you out of work for weeks or even months. If you have experienced a lifting injury in the scope of your employment, you need to speak with our Cherry Hill lifting injury attorneys. Contact us today online or call (856) 843-8403 to schedule your free consultation.