Occupational Disease or Occupational Exposure in NJ
Even if you do not have a specific work-related accident, you may still be entitled to New Jersey Workers’ Compensation benefits if your repetitive job duties contribute to either causing a new injury, or worsening an already existing injury. This is something that most injured workers do not realize. Conditions such as: carpal tunnel syndrome, disc herniations and bulges in your spine, and/or “bone-on-bone” conditions in your hips, knees and shoulders may in fact be covered by the New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Law if the repetitive stress of your job duties more likely than not were a factor in contributing to either causing or worsening the injury, even if you didn’t have an accident.
You may still file a claim even if you have preexisting physical limitations or you are of advanced age. Preexisting conditions or advanced age are not a defense to a workers’ compensation claim. Therefore, even if you do have a preexisting condition and that condition is made worse by your repetitive job duties, you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.