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What Is a Repetitive Stress Injury?

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Workers’ Compensation Law Blog

NJ Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

What Is a Repetitive Stress Injury?

Repetitive stress injuries are often caused by engaging in the same movement over and over again, and they are closely associated with injuries that are sustained on the job. If you do a job that requires you to engage in finely tuned repetitive motions, such as when working on an assembly line or when doing a repeated task, it can lead to a painful stress injury that can interfere with your ability to do your job and may require surgery. If you’ve acquired a repetitive stress injury on the job, you need an experienced Wildwood workers’ compensation lawyer in your corner.

Common Injuries

The areas of the body that are most likely to be affected by repetitive movement include:

Repetitive stress injuries are all too common, and early symptoms include pain, swelling, and tingling that can become progressively worse over time. If the condition persists, however, the injury can morph into something even more serious, such as a stress fracture, nerve compression syndrome, bursitis, or a ganglion cyst.

Getting the Care You Need

While early intervention that consists of rest, ice, compression, elevation, and over-the-counter pain medications can all help considerably, surgery can be required if the condition worsens. Further, even a relatively mild repetitive stress injury can directly interfere with your ability to do your job. In fact, repetitive stress injuries are a common cause of workers’ compensation claims.

Obtaining Fair Compensation

Your employer is required to purchase workers’ compensation insurance that covers you and all other employees. If you suffer a repetitive stress injury because of your job, you can seek compensation for up to a specific percentage of your average income and for your necessary medical treatment – and a savvy workers’ compensation attorney can help you with that.

An Experienced Wildwood Workers’ Compensation Attorney Is on Your Side

If your job requires you to engage in repetitive motion on a near-constant basis and, as a result, you suffer a stress injury, the dedicated Wildwood workers’ compensation attorneys at Matarazzo and Lubcher are committed to employing the full force of our legal skill, experience, and insight in pursuit of a settlement that supports your fullest recovery. We are on your side and here to help, so please don’t wait to reach out and contact us online or call 856-353-4439 for more information about what we can do for you today.